Understand and solve your jaw problem


Do you have jaw pain? Do you avoid biting into an apple for fear that your jaw will lock or loosen

My article today brings you information and advice on jaw problems.​

You will find more information on the mechanics and anatomy of the jaw as well as some exercises by clicking here .

Good reading!

Advice from physiotherapist Denis Fortier on jaw problems (ATM)Advice from physiotherapist Denis Fortier on jaw problems (ATM)

The term that defines the jaw joint is the temporomandibular joint. I will use in my article the abbreviation ATM.

You have two TMJs, one on the left and one on the right, and their movements are interdependent, the two joints being linked together by a bone: the mandible.

For example, stiffness or pain in the left joint can lead to increased or decreased movement on the right, as a compensation phenomenon.

The TMJ is one of the most mobile joints in the human body and also one of the least stable.

What are the main problems of ATM

The most common TMJ problems include local pain, muscle tension and spasms, decreased mobility, joint stiffness, unusual noises during jaw movements, and dislocations, i.e. say when the articular surfaces perform a movement that exceeds the normal limit and that causes a momentary or prolonged blockage.

Who is at risk?

No one is immune to an ATM problem; up to 15% of adults would be directly affected, and among whom a small percentage would benefit from adequate treatment.

Also, women are twice as affected as men and people aged 20 to 40 are more affected.

Is it associated with other problems?

Factors associated with TMJ problems include headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, how to get topamax prescribed, autoimmune diseases, cigarette smoking (particularly in women under 30) as well as psychological health such as depression , this would double the risk of TMJ pain.

What are the causes?

The causes of TMJ problems are often multifactorial and can be related to morphology, stress level, health condition and environment such as work. For example, dentists  would be more at risk of ATM problems due, among other things, to their working posture. ATM problems can also be caused by:

An injury: a direct impact on the jaw, a fracture caused by a major trauma such as a car accident, a fall on the head or a sports injury.

Mechanical stress, such as a dislocation , a bad sleeping position or the prolonged opening of the mouth during the intervention of the dentist.

A neck problem, especially if it is chronic.

Posture: The position of other joints in the body changes the joint alignment of the jaw and can, in some cases, cause a problem with the TMJ.

A particular and unusual morphology of the jaw and the face.

A disease: arthritis, osteoarthritis and other bone health problems.

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To describe them simply, parafunctions refer to the exaggerated use of a part of the body on a prolonged or repeated basis. In particular, they can lead to overuse of muscles and joint surfaces, pain or a mechanical problem. Here are the main parafunctions of ATM:

Nocturnal bruxism, the grinding of teeth that occurs during the night and involuntarily. One in two people with TMJ pain would grind their teeth at night.

Diurnal bruxism, the prolonged clenching of the teeth during the day.

Playing a wind musical instrument .

41% of patients with an TMJ problem have disc displacement, with the disc moving forward, at least most of the time. The exact causes of this displacement are not very well known. These can include certain morphological changes that occur over time, anatomical peculiarities unique to the person, trauma or exaggerated mobility (which is generally present at other joints).

Disc problems cause difficulty in opening or closing the mouth due to pain or reduced mobility.

These movements are also often accompanied by a first click that can be heard when the mouth is opened (the disc moves) and a second click when it is closed (the disc returns to its original position ). A disc problem can limit mouth opening by at least

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